A brand new concept - Jenny Smedley was the first person to discover that there are a special group of entities who are charged with our spiritual development. She calls them Past Life Angels. These angels are with us from the creation of our soul, right through every lifetime. They are the subject of her new signing to O Books. The book explores the signs and hints we get from our Past Life Angels, why we get them, and why it is important to remember who you were, in order to know who you are meant to become.

Past Life Angels by Jenny Smedley (ISBN 1905047312)

Jenny Smedley

It’s what everyone wants isn’t it? To be happy? What people often don’t realise is that there are two kinds of happiness. That which comes from without, and that which comes from within. The second kind is the important one. Happiness that comes from without is dependent on other people and the world you live in. Happiness that comes from within is dependent only upon the world that lives within you.

This book shows you how to access your future happiness of the real kind, by discovering your complete evolution, over many lifetimes.

Happiness from within can only be activated if you remember what you came here to do. Past lives need to be recalled and healed, so that we can remember what we came here to do.

How to Be Happy by Jenny Smedley (ISBN 978-1-84694-150-4)